You can always count on guitarist Will Sumner to release singles that speak to your mind and soul armed with a dreamy melody. He does just that on his latest single "Building Castles" from the CD Ocean Street.
"Building Castles" awash the soul with a groovy, guitar laden single that conjures morning sunrise spent by the beach with the one you love. It has this uplifting and very cooling tempered sound that is lush in every way.
Will who was born in Los Angeles rose to fame with his first big hit in 1980 with the single Tropic Zone. The single was released internationally and is referred to as a "masterpiece".
Spending his adult life in Minnesota, it gave him the opportunity to work with Yanni and Prince to name a few. His collaborations led to more recognition about his talent and his music.
Although known for his wizardry on the guitar, Will also plays the piano, violin and drums.
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